A listener, a leader, and a problem-solver
- Taught math and economics, Carmel High, 2000-2015
- Adult school teacher
- Special education teacher
- ROP (Regional Occupational Program) teacher
- Teaching credentials in Mathematics, Economics, and English Language Arts, including English Language Development (ELD)
- Cachagua “little school” volunteer
- Long term sub for SPED
- Bachelor’s degree in Economics, UC-Berkeley.
- Master’s degree in Cross Cultural Education, National University, with emphasis in ethnic and socio-economic diversity.
- Studied green building and LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design).
- Has been working as a green builder rehabilitating homes in Carmel Valley.
- Family farming in both northern and southern Salinas Valley for over 150 years.
- Stewarding the land for future ag production.
- Lifelong resident of Carmel Valley, born at Community Hospital of the Monterey Peninsula.
- Both her children and three of her nephews graduated Carmel High.
- Ninth-generation Californian: Captain Cooper School in Big Sur is named after her great-grandfather, John Baptista Rogers Cooper, a sea captain.
- Ancestors settled in Monterey County more than 250 years ago
- Involved with leasing and improving family agricultural lands in the Salinas Valley since 1984.
- Her mother, Martha Cooper Lang, started the programs for the developmentally disabled in Monterey County and was instrumental in getting Logan Hall donated to the CUSD.
“I listen to people to learn about their experiences and work with them to help settle concerns. During this unprecedented time, uppermost must be ensuring the health and safety of our students, teachers and non-teaching staff. I am running for office again because I still believe our District needs a fresh perspective from someone with deep and varied experience, with a keen understanding of education.”
– Anne-Marie Rosen
I, Anne Marie Rosen, am seeking re-election to the CUSD school board. I am a local businesswoman, lifelong Carmel Valley resident, and former educator with 35+ years of teaching experience, including as a former CHS math teacher. I hold a BA in economics from UC Berkeley and a MA in cross-cultural education. As a board member I have continued to further my learning so that I can best represent the public, earning a Masters in Governance from the California School Board Association.
Over the past four years, I have demonstrated my commitment to prioritizing student learning and safety, as well as district transparency, public responsiveness, and fiscal accountability.
I have asked difficult questions and demanded answers within the district, while engaging openly with the public and within our school sites.
If re-elected, I will continue to use my deep experience and passion to keep our students at the center of every decision we make as a board.
I have achieved demonstrable results in the past four years on each of goals I established: disaster preparedness, bringing independent study in-house to save money and support student learning, and career technical education, to help students develop life skills, passion, and explore potential career paths.
If re-elected, I will work to bring student learning back to the core of our district focus, including both social and emotional learning as well as strong foundational skills. I seek to ensure that our students are prepared for their future, including college, careers, and adulthood.